Catalogue of Y-DNA Yemen Jew branches


This page is a collection of Jewish Y-DNA branches. All branches are checked that they have Jewish male ancestry. The list has both Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Samaritan, Romaniote, Bukharan and Mountain Jew branches. This is registered on the basis of Jewish culture. The Y-DNA branches are sometimes mixed in different cultures, so a Y-DNA male line is not always a clear indication of its history. The present data indicates that the branch characteristics of the Ashkenazi branches are different from the Sephardic and Mizrahi branches.

The Y-DNA branches

The STR-modals of the Jewish groups are reported in Jewish modals page and can be used by copy-and-paste in the McGee tool. You can use the SNP overview to find the majority of the SNP-lines.

The branches below are named after their common main haplogroup (e.g. J1), the name of a SNP marker to indicate where approximately the group may originate near 3000-5000 ybp (e.g. YSC76) and a significant marker to indicate the Jewish group that shares a Jewish ancestor (e.g. L823). In the group overview a suggestion is given for the location the ancestor of a branch became Jewish.

Branch # Y-DNA SNP# of
CE of ancestor
CE range
GroupAS M G K I R Y J B C
AB-022J1-ZS227-S12192114669-862-1300--400 J1-ZS227ASMKIRYC
AB-132E1b-M84-PF6748?-218311217-1402 E1b-M84Y
AB-210J2b-1834741 J2bY
AB-322G-L30-FTD256071 GSY
AB-443E1b-M84-PF6748-Z209661 E1b-M84MIY
AB-468R1a-Z93-FT287461-Y1 R1a-Z93SY
AB-526E1b-M84?-Z1 E1b-M84Y
AB-533R1b-DF27-Y239681below R1b-DF27SY
AB-559J1-FGC11-FGC37081 J1-otherY
AB-619T-A1below TMY
AB-626J1-FGC11-FT614011below J1-otherY
AB-636J1-G1 J1-otherY
AB-649Q-BZ45051250-1400 QY
AB-693J2a-M67-FT2137491 J2aY
AB-702E1b-V12?-V32questionmark-S1 E1b-V12Y
AB-736G-FT567361below GY
AB-748E1b-V12-CTS6667-S1 E1b-V12Y
AB-752E1b-CTS10880-V6-C1 E1b-oldY

table caption