Jewish group of branches: E1b-M84


The Jewish branches can be grouped according to their Y-DNA characteristics. These characteristics are often related to a period between 10000ybp-4000ybp. Some branches had a founding father effect in that period outside the Middle East which gives information on the location of their ancestor at the time of the founding father. For other branches it is more likely that the ancestors were in the Middle East, where, in most cases, no founding father effect took place and population growth was continuous. An overview of the Jewish groups of branches is present.


All of these groups are M84, and probably originate in the Middle East. See e.g. Eupedia for E-M84 and ftdna project of M35

Branches in this group

Branch # Y-DNA SNP# of
CE of ancestor
CE range
GroupAS M G K I R Y J B C
AB-005E1b-M84-Y1489189466-708450-1150 E1b-M84AS
AB-006E1b-M84-PF6748-BY1107816845-12701000-1525 E1b-M84AK
AB-132E1b-M84-PF6748?-2183111 E1b-M84Y
AB-133E1b-M84-PF6748-BY11025217-1402550-1300 E1b-M84AS
AB-158E1b-M84-Y60961-S104831-5000--2900 E1b-M84SK
AB-159E1b-M84-PF6748-FT2409361 E1b-M84S
AB-186E1b-M84?-2098181 E1b-M84S
AB-191E1b-M84-FGC18401-M1below E1b-M84SK
AB-192E1b-M84?-905301 E1b-M84A
AB-224E1b-M84-FGC18401-FGC1837141108-1926-500-800 E1b-M84A
AB-244E1b-M84-FTB902471 E1b-M84S
AB-316E1b-M84-S113871below E1b-M84M
AB-362E1b-M84-PF6748-Y1303341-1200-450 E1b-M84C
AB-399E1b-M84-B4061 E1b-M84B
AB-406E1b-M84-FT419961-FT4205401below E1b-M84SR
AB-429E1b-M84-FTF111441 E1b-M84S
AB-443E1b-M84-PF6748-FTF906321108-1926 E1b-M84MIY
AB-484E1b-M84-BY108621 E1b-M84S
AB-526E1b-M84-BY1634021 E1b-M84Y
AB-537E1b-M84-PF6748-BY1888811below E1b-M84A
AB-544E1b-M84-BY1817631 E1b-M84S
AB-547E1b-M84?-K1 E1b-M84M
AB-561E1b-M84-FGC18401-DC7831500-1525 E1b-M84S
AB-564E1b-M84?-S1 E1b-M84M
AB-577E1b-M84-BY110431 E1b-M84M
AB-587E1b-M84?-K1 E1b-M84C
AB-606E1b-M84-FT419961-FTB507791 E1b-M84R
AB-624E1b-M84-BY108901 E1b-M84S
AB-723E1b-M84-FT2783881 E1b-M84
AB-826E1b-M84-FT1253251 E1b-M84
AB-886E1b-M84?-T1 E1b-M84

table caption

List of SNPs in yfull tree:Home - A0-T - A1 - A1b - BT - CT - DE - E - M5479 - P147 - P177 - M215 - M35 - Z827 - Z830 - PF1962 - M123 - M34 - M84