Table caption

The table groups the branches on the basis of STR characteristics. In most cases this means that a branch has the descendants of an ancestor that lived about two thousand years ago. The branches are grouped on the basis of STR-data. The Next generation tests (measuring many SNPs) in generally confirms this. In the case where this is not confirmed it is reported in the branch.

By clicking on the caption of the table the table is alphabetically ordered.

The columns

The branch # (e.g. AB-005) is a stable number. If new information becomes available the name will remain unchanged.

The Y-DNA SNP gives the names of the SNP-markers that characterize this branch. This first is the general name of the haplogroup. The second is the marker that indicates a major SNP in the history of this branch, e.g. as a result of founder effect, and the last characterizes the ancestor of this Jewish branch. In general, all members of this branch have these markers. In case the last it yet known, a kitnumber at ftdna is used.

The # of persons indicates the number of persons in semargl that are within the defined distance from the modal. It is therefor independant of the membership of specific projects in ftdna or ysearch. It gives a good indication of the present ratio of the people that are tested. Since the testing percentages in the U.S., Israel and other countries are not equal, it does not represent a correct ratio of the different branches. The ratios within the Ashkenazi are probably fairly correct, since the specific haplogroups within this group do no give a expected systematic effect.

The CE of ancestor is the year of the shared ancestor as based on the STR variability CE is the abbreviation of Common Era. The indicated range is the 95% error range as described in the Data section.

The most likely origin indicates the most likely origin. The following abbreviations are used: ME = Middle East, Ib = Iberia, Med = Mediterranean, E-Eur = East Europe, C-Eur = Central Europe.

In case more than one indication is given, e.g. ME - Ib, it means that we have both an indication that the line was in the Middle East and an indicatin that it was later in Iberia.
The quality of origin gives an impression of the quality of the most likely origin.

The group of branches indicates the Y-DNA group that his branch belongs to.

A S M G I R J B C indicates if the branch members are Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Samaritan, Iberian, Romaniote, Indian, Bukharian and Mountain (Caucasus) Jew along their male line. In case of doubt, it is not reported. Separated tables are present with some extra information: the Ashkenazi table, the Sephardic table, the Mizrahi table, the Romaniote table, the Yemen, the Indian, the Bukharan table, the Mountain Jew table and the the Samaritan table. In the case an Ashkenazi branch has a parallel branch, who has a shared ancestor that is more recent than 1500 ybp (based on SNP NGS measurement), and has Iberian descendants, it is reported as Sephardic at the moment. It fits history that a Jewish ancestor in Iberia can have Sephardic, Ashkenazi and converso descendants. In case a Sephardic branch has a similar parallel branch with Iberian non-Jewish descendants, it is most likely a converso line. This is not yet indicated in the table.