
Jewish Y-DNA branch AB-099


This branch is part of the older J1-Z18297 branch which has many Jewish lines.

This Ashkenazi branch has several surnames. This branch is close to AB-099. This branch is parallel to AB-036.

You can find additional information in this Ashkenazi branch of ftdna by Jeffrey D. Wexler in 2019 .

This branch is in the -group of Jewish Branches.

STR data collection of AB-099

Ages of the branch

figure caption 1

Size of the branch

figure caption 2

Data references

The following kitnr's are recognized in this group:
232169 267403 104958 RUTGD 1733 9WTZE 348452

Kits with nearby 67-markers are found in semargl.me

Check for yourself by inspecting the data that was used.